Thursday, November 3, 2011

Weekly Email... week 3? errr 4?

Dear World!
First great story of the week. The people that are here long enough start talking to the  ceilings. Its true they have literally gone crazy :-)
Well that's not true they haven't gone great but they do talk to the ceilings. The ceilings have the loud speakers that double as microphone. I didn't believe it i thought it was just a joke that people talked to other people... but i finally gave in and spoke once it didn't help the lady on the other end but i felt special briefly.
BEST RELIEF SOCIETY EVER. Sunday Sister Dalton YW General President came and spoke to us. We were front row slightly off center it was so great. She brought it home when she reminded us that we all grew up together. She has been in YW as long as we have. How special is that? She called us her daughters and she wanted to impart her last words of wisdom before we head to the field. She shared one thing I used the very next day. When you are half way up the hill, don't stop and turn around finish at the pace that you can but don't stop! She had her husband take her hand and help her up the mountain, I got to give my gym buddy a hand while we were doing a 10 min work out and we almost gave up half way. And Christ is the one that will always reach his hand out to help us reach the top. Sister Dalton talked about how she got to see the most beautiful sunrise ever. I believe it; and I got to see the benefit of finishing a work out and feeling so awake and happy the rest of the day. I know Christ helps us through trials. It is all worth it in the end, and the view is great.
Something else that I've been loving hymns!!! "Heaven's view" is the line that caught my attention. I have been able to see little glimpses of heaven through the service and love and unity here at the MTC.
I love you all take care!
-Hermana O
PS Thank you all who have written me :-) It makes my day. Thank you Echo Ward YW for your wonderful letters I read one when I need a pick me up! ANd to all who write I'll write back eventually! Its a promise :-D

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