Thursday, December 15, 2011

Nov 10th Email

I am re-learning how to be teased. Because I am not good with sarcasam everyone is just like why Hermana? Why you take things so literally, its not even about me but i try to defend ppl when I don;'t need to... I guess its auto correct.
Anyway... I still am trying to learn how to balance being friends with the elders and keeping a distance. My hermanas are really good at being friends with everybody but i just kind of hang in the background. shoot any help? its a bit difficult.
I got the assignment to be coordinating sister for our zone. The zone currently bascially have me and my companions, so its SUPER HARD. jk
I haven't done much yet but go to meetings. The Branch pres talked to all the hermanas and me and was like "i don't know why but hermana o. is going to be the coordinating sister", he said any of could have been it but for some reason it was me... When he said he didn't know why the thought came to me its because I need to be humble I feel like I will leanr a lot, or least it will help me practice looking out side of my self and help others. It will be great...

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