Wednesday, December 26, 2012

December 26, 2012

*** Sister O's call on Christmas was awesome! She sounded so happy and filled with the Spirit!.****

Esta semana pasada paso muy bien. La Hermana R. es una buena trabajador. Y la manera mas fáciles para nosotras para tener animo y conocer personas que abren la puerta y nos invitan a pasar fue por medio de cantando. Habíamos cantando todas las canciones de la navidad.Hola
Pues la música nos ayudo y por medio de cantando el espíritu de la navidad se derramo sobre nosotras. Ahora tenemos mucho animo para encontrar juntos y ser clara con cada persona y usar mas escrituras al contactar la gente.
Como companerismo el éxito que vimos en la semana es que trabábamos bien para tener una transferencia muy fuerte con español. y tenemos plañes para uno al otro para hablar y mejorar en espanol.
A. nos dijo que siente que necesita ser bautismo per o no cree que el libro de mormon es verdadero. entonces hablamos de como al entender el libro recibirá una respuesta de la veracidad de ello.
Vamos a encontrar.
El Elder L. tiene mucho animo y nos ayudo para enfocar en lo bueno de la semana pasada entonces tenemos la ayuda que necesitásemos y ahora trabaja remos! :-)
Feliz Navidad y prospero ano!
So. Keep praying specifically for a family. We are looking for families for January so pray that we find them before sunday so they can come to church!
ANd something I have been meaning to say: to all the YW that got their calls and are heading on a mission. Keep it up read all of Preach my Gospel. Study the scriptures and just never get down!
I also think that applies to normal people too. Every member/person a missionary just depends on what message you are teaching people. Decide for it to be the message of Chirst.
Love Sister O.

Monday, December 17, 2012

E Semana 18

Hola hola!
esta semana:
La familia san son muy interesantes. la mama la conocimos despues de su hijo y su familia. la mama es un miembro hace mucho. entonces encontramos un menos activo en nuestra area. y pues mas es que el hijo y su familia c quieren ser bautizados. quieren cambiar sus vidas por medio de arrepentimiento y todo. entonces tenemos animo para ayudarles a progressar aun mas esta semana. la cosa dificile por ellos sera trabajo. las hermanas todas trabajan los domingos como care providers y vamos a ayudarles a aunmentar su fe y entender el mandamiento del dia de reposo.

La otra familia R vamos a fijar mejores expectativas con ellos y ayudarles a traer toda la casa (casi 6+ personas) a la iglesia. Vamos a ver mas milagros esta semana.

tenemos la meta del ano (muchos bautismos) en todo la casita por que estamos animadas para lograrlo espezando esta semana con fetchas bautizmales a la iglesia.

Tristemente hno A decidió para no ser bautizado en su fetcha bautismal. vamos a ver si el quiere actuar en leindo mas del libro de mormon o no. El tiene algunas dudas de profetas y el libro de mormon y vamos ayudarle una vez mas para entender por que tenemos el libro de mormon.

Estoy agradecida para mi companera Hna E. Y estoy agradecida para tener la oportunidad de trabajar con la hna ready
SO sister Ready i guess is from califonria tambien? and well she and i met up in corpus we were in the same zone for a while all i know is she is a sweet gal.
I am quedando en E Estate. So thanks for the 24days of christmas its awesome! we love doing it.
con amor,
Hermana O.
PS for those who want to know I am now going to be in this are for the longest time that I have ever been in one area more then a transfer and a half.... loco! not had it that long since brownsville. I just love the mission.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December 10, 2012

Hola Familia!

Por medio de miembro, jugando, y pues el espiritu encontramos 8 personas con aun mas para visitar esta semana.

El Senor nos ayudo a invitar un miembro a una leccion y aun que la cita se cayo al orar y enfrentar temores el miembro tuvo suficiente fe y esperanza para guiarnos a una familia que el espiritu le dijo que debemos visitar. Fue dificile por ella por que ha experimentado mucha aflicion con compartiendo el evangelio con sus amigos. casi todos lo rechazaron. pues este vez fue difirente. aun que no fue facile la familia v quieren el evangelio en sus vidas. Que milagroso fue esta experienca para la hermanita!

La segunda familia fue por medio de una surgencia de elder b. El dijo que debemos jugar con los ninos en la calle si queremos encontrar familias. Dos veces esta semana jugamos en la calle. Fue divertido y encontramos tres familias. una familia que ha aprendido con las hermanas y quiere ser bautizada y dos otras familias que vamos a visitar esta semana.

En todo los milagros estan y esta semana por medio de los miembros presentes y ensenando la ley del dia de reposo vamos a ayudar aun mas investigadores a la iglesia.


Hola Presidente!

La conferencia con Elder y la Hermana S. fue bien bonita. Las cosas mas especiales para mi fueron que dando la alma es un requisito de la mision. Es lo que repitamos pero para dar la alma en thes. fue un ejemplo que me gusto muchisimo. despues de la conferencia trae mas cosas que me ayudan a sentir el espiritu como mas fotos de mi familia y del templo y las cosas que sietno que cosas mas cerca a mi corazon. Y intenti a compartir mas de estas cosas al conectarlas a la leccion o situacion.

Tambien al leer el mensaje del Harveter este mes senti aun mas urgencia por la historia de elder holland. Por que pense que voy a compartir con mi familia de los dias de festividades? Que estaba en el sol o en la casa de un miembro o ayudando una familia preparar por bautismo? Decidi que no importa de cual cosa solemente tiene que ser el ejemplo como elder holland dando todo y reconociendo la importancia de la navidad. Cristo es el centro. (see the mission christmas o algo asi de elder holland)

Siento en mi mision hasta este punto que me cambie en maneras pequenas y importantes. y voy a cambiar aun mas quiero ser una sierva constante. Es lo que soy y continuare. 

Esta semana tuvimos la dificultad en cuidando hno a. Encontramos un hermanito el cual tiene un papa que no quiere en cristo. Entonces estamos ayudando con su fe y todo. Y estamos intentando a ayudar las familias que conocemos para progressar. 

Cuidando lo que tenemos para que Dios puede confiar para dar aun mas. Y esta semana estamos cuidando entonces podemos recibir mas. 

Estoy agradecida por mi senor y por mi vida y mi companera y la mission y todos los misioneros y por usted y la hna trayner. Doy gracias por esta opurtunidad de creecer y cambiar.

-Hna O.

Nov 26, 2012

This week was great and I am trying something new see if you can read this: this is what i sent to presidente.
"Esta semana el poder de ensenar en los primeros momentos se muestraba. Cuando empezamos a ensenar algo claro y basico y permitir que la persona aprovechar del libro de mormon o la doctrina que tiene el libro las personas son mas abiertos a recibir mas. el mas grand bendicion de esta semana es que econtramos siete nuevos investigadores. Es por las ensenanzas de cristo son verdaderos y la gente lo desea!

Vimos milagros toda la semana el lunes primero testificamos bien fuerte y simple de la veracidad del libro de mormon y el dio referencias. Al contactar estas referencias tuvimos la opurtunidad de testificar aun mas. El espiritu realmente nos acompanaba.

En mi entrevista con usted Presidente me dio un recordatorio de "el companerismo divino" en donde habla de un companerismo normal puede esforzarse para preparar y ser limpios y seguir el espiritu y Dios con su misericordia da el espiritu santo para testificar de lo que el companerismo dice. Por la misericordia de Dios tuvimos milagros asi. La opurtunidad de testificar y sentir el espiritu entrar y testificar a las personas. Cuan hermoso es el Senor.

Por Cristo podemos testificar de todo lo bueno en unas palabras. Yo se que vive mi senor. yo se que me ama y le ama tambien. Siento el amor de el tan fuerte ahora testificando de cuan hermosa la mision y los cambios que tuve y tendre. Me siento una paz sencible y hermosa. Definitivamente Dios nos da poder para hacer y sentir todas esas cosas.

le amo a mi companera ella es mi cuate. :-) Y tenemos comunicacion abierta.

Ahora las cosas que vamos a lograr esta semana, al mantener los nuevos investigadores, vamos a encontrar mas y ayudar los hijos de Dios para comprometer a una fechas especifica para bautizarse."

I know that Heavenly Father lives and loves his children. I know that the blessings of scarificing is worth every moment. o sea sacrificos traen las bendiciones o ellos valen la pena. I know that the members that go out and help us teach are getting ready to be super fuerte missionaries. I watch them ask inspired questions and everything now and I just feel the spirit testify and afterwards we try to communicate with them what they did really well and the spirit just seals the experience with a testifmony of the strength that these young adults have (we have a lot of the YSA and future missionaries come out to lessons or work in the streets with us.) So don't be afraid to invite the missioanries over to your home and ask them how you can help and then do it!
And I have thought a lot of J lately becasue I met a couple young ment that remind me of him. Super strong guys, open minded and had military experiences or have ambitions so i want to give a shout out to the o's a, j, e, and g!
I loved all the pictures. everyone looks so cute and handsome and like they are enjoying themselves.
 Happy Thanksgiving!
And a special shout out for Grandma H she has truly blessed us all. Happy birthday Grandma.
And all the hansem you all have strengthened my faith and i love your testimonies they are always with me in my heart.
And even the d's ;-) The monkies after my own heart! does s play with real snakes? and my best of friends los maestros de los monkies (j and e). Thanks for all you do!
And z and j I hope all is well. Z I love you and I hope you have a jeep that suits you ahora. And j keep up the hard work I hope you are utilizing the temple that is so close! Keep up the wonders you both do!
Sister O

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Happy Sunday 11/18/2012

Week I'm not sure of E South.
My new companion's name is Sister E, California girl, we both like to drive with the wind in our hair expect when its cold :-) We both had the same trainer sis M so we pretty much already love each other and we just are really similar and strengthening each other is easy. She has diabetes and various food allergies so we get to eat healthy together. She has definitely been sent here at this time. And I know we are together for a reason I just know its going to be a December full of people's lives changing and being baptized!
We had so many miracles this week but one I'll tell you about is about how everyone is ready to listen to some part of the restored gospel and God works in mysterious ways. We were in the parking lot of the church waiting for the key to open it and a man with two big dogs walks up to us. We talk a little about him but mostly we just invited him to church he lives like 1 min walk from it and goes by it all the time. So he said sure. We won't be teaching him but we just kept inviting him to church and well he came and brought his roommate and her kids. So we find out somewhere along the way that this women had almost got baptized a different time. She knew it was true she prayed that if it was meant to be that she would be brought back to the church by someone another time in her life. WOW prayer answered. I don't know how long it took but God knows who is ready.
Don't forget the simple easy thing it is to invite someone to church. What's the worst thing that could happen? they say no? But then its okay just don't be afraid to just invite people to come see the restored gospel for themselves.
Keep up the prayers the Lord is pouring out his miracles and blessings upon Texas 
Sister O

Hermana O.
200 W. LaVista Ave
McAllen Tx 78501

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

10/5 - Edinburg Week 8

This week we had a bit of a rough time planning makes the difference in every thing and last week we didn't have a great planning session so this week we made it super spiritual so that we knew that the preparations are inspired.
We are doing our best effort everyday to follow the spirit and yet there is always more! As a mission we fasted this last Sunday.
We are also doing a purification challenge as zone and that means we made personal lists of things that stop of from feeling the spirit or things that "poke at our spirit" and we are praying everyday to live a plan we made individually on Sunday. Every night we report to God how we did on the list and ask forgiveness and then also the next morning we pray and ask for his help again.
I realized my list was all to help the inside of my head :-) I am working now to clean out every negative thing in there. I am obliterating judging others and now I putting in habits of praying and thinking of how I can best spend the Lord's time. It all connected to faith in myself and also faith in God. Both are difficult when I keep thinking myself down. So I am happy to say I am now recognizing these things better then ever and trying my hardest to GET RID OF THEM. Light can not dwell in darkness and I am trying so hard to clean out my mind so the light of Christ can shine freely through me and my actions.
Its life changing . I am so grateful for the chance to change and repent and remember God is giving every opportunity to become the best me.
Love Hermana O.

Monday, November 5, 2012

10/29 E south week 6 or 7?

Buenos dias!
Esta semana tuvimos varios milagros y encontramos familias! Tuvimos la opurtunidad de ensenar familias!
We found and taught families this week :-D What a miracle! We are working on helping them progress to baptism and with even more specific prayers its all going to come about.
This week I was reminded various times of the awareness the Lord has of each of us. He sends us when we are needed and he lets us know He's there in vaious repetitious ways.
I was reminded or told in a blessing of healing (because I am still getting over the cough but its almost gone), by a person, by the talks in three different wards that God is always aware of us. The Spirit testified to me that my Heavenly Father is aware of me. I am now trying my hardest to continue in following Him. The same way God tries to help us so much we have to try so hard to follow Him. I am grateful that this week we were able to meet families.
I prayed specifically before we got out to work that the people that were ready to listen and learn and progress to baptism at this time would ask us questions not just us coming to them with our message but that they would ask us the questions first God has blessed us to find and teach various people with this miracle and I am so grateful he answers prayers. I pray that all the prayers this week for the Family B, G, S and Sis L pray for them that they will be open and ready to commit to baptism. And please pray for Sis D and I that we will be able to listen to the spirit and follow it so that these families will accept the message of la restauracion de el evangelio y  progressar!!!
I don't run at night but in the morning its super dark :-)
I love you!!!!
-SIster O

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Oct 22, 2012


This week has been a little rough I got sick. I have a cough but I am getting some medicine today.
We are struggling to find people and yet we keep a going!
Something really powerful this week was the following scriptures: Alma 5 and 1 Nephi 17:9 and Moroni 7:33-34 & 48 and Moroni 8:25-26
Keep a praying we need specifically: help recognizing the people who are ready.
I am loving it! Growing and learning a lot! Still quoting General Conference its so much goodness I can't even describe!
Well more next week.
I love you all!
I have been running a lot under the moon lately and I can't go fast because I am so distracted! The other day it was a skinny nail thin moon but you could see the whole moon? even the part in shadow? and then right below it was a giant thunder cloud just making its way slowly across the sky. it was really hard to focus when I just wanted to see the thunder clap on the inside. Texas is beautiful!

Sister O

oct 15, 2012

Yeah I kind of tried to write last week's letter for the ward. I'll try again now!

Dear Ward,
Soy Hermana O! Spanish isn't easy to read so I'll take it easy on my mom :-)
Did I mention how amazing she is? My mom tells me how the ward really loves and supports each other and what you learn in Sunday School and everything. I know what you do to support each other makes all the difference.
I have a sad experience to share with you.... I met a man this week who has not come to church for years and his wife never chose to become a member from something small and sad. He and his family experienced discrimination in various states and wards and now is here in Texas with little interest in coming to church. He's from Puerto Rico and people made really sad assumptions about him multiple times and now he has given up... not for long though he invited us for dinner!
I bring him up to illustrate that what we do or not do truly makes a difference. I have seen how a small thought to say hi or speak to someone has truly changed their day. And other's lives. A man was baptized just because I was able to get my guts up to follow a silly prompting to ask for computer help with trouble I was having at the library. He asked who I was and we talked. He now has the gift of the Holy Ghost to help him feel the Spirit like he did as a kid and also to feel close to the savior. Ignoring my discomfort was so worth it.
Please. Let us not let our brother or sister continue pleading for help from God. We are instruments in the lives of every person every single millisecond of our day. If we are not answering the Spirit's prompting we are prolonging His children's suffering. We will be blessed with joy as we lift the precious souls. Alma 31:37 35? (its about the worth of souls)
Please recognize that we are not perfect but that God truly uses his imperfect people to do a perfect work. We can not become perfect unless we practice perfect. Perfectly follow the pure thoughts of the Spirit and as we learned in conference "without delay!" I know it has blessed my life and will bless yours.
We will love our neighbor to show our love to God. Feed His sheep and be blessed. Let us not stop the blessings for brothers and sisters and ultimately ourselves.
I love you all for the love and support I have felt and feel. We can do our part to lift others.
Con amor,
Sister O

Sept 30, 2012


my uplift today was the talk by elder wilson en conference last april so good about teaching kids and i hope i can lead better with his surgencias

sorry its so short all the time i just got to put time into meditating more so its not so hard. I WILL write this week and then if you don't get it i'll write a better email next weeek. 

Le amo!!!! 
I will write promise!!!! 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Hermana O. Oct 8,2012

Oh mom! I am so blessed. I can't tell you how much love I have for these missionaries. I have a deep appreciation for everything they do even when I don't understand why they do it :-)
My companion is passionate. She doesn't waste time. She helped me realize this week I was living below my potential. Then Conference just called me to repent again, like I said every talk spoke to me. Never in my life have I had that much attention and understanding for the words of the prophets.
I think of my family during those talks. The family I have directly like you mom, and my bros and sistas. And then I thought of my Grandparents I thought of my youth leaders.
I even intently searched the screen for people I might know at conference during the songs :-)
I love this life the ways of the mission are less traveled but clear and distinct. they truly teach to give everything. I have been giving everything but my heart. I know that the spirit testifies of truth I have felt that as a missionary.
In every area there is so much potential. Every person is a child of God we are made of pure things. We have the potential to be purely beautiful in this life. Helping others.
I feel as I finely do the things I have always had thoughts to do I find a release: I feel like I have been holding myself back. I have the chance to change my life and I have progressed for a year and now I get to move even further in the next 6-7months. (I'd like to extend) But I know the lord is helping me, I have no idea why I loose faith sometimes in things so quickly but I have the chance to be strong and follow that which I know.
I want to bear my testimony that truly the Spirit of God testifies to our spirit of our divine potential: (Romans 8:16-17) We merely need to choose to listen. All the things of the world try to distract us from that very simple truth that we are more powerful then we can understand when we follow God. President Monson said
something like : "When a man listens and follows God that man is always right." I am trying harder to listen so I can feel the peace of doing God's will.
Only have a short time to bring a TON of people to the gospel. I love you and all you have given me has truly helped me to grow to be able to give it all here. Thanks again for your daily example of sacrifice I try and follow that everyday. Just ask my companions I try and serve a ton. they tell me its a talent and I tell them I learned it from my mom.
With all my love and appreciation!
Sister O.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Hola Hola!
Casi es tiempo para la conferencia general! Que padre no? Estoy agradecida para la conferencia de zona(s) esta semana y tengo mucho animo para el reunion de la sociedad de socorro en el fin de la semana.
I hope you use google translate :-)
I am here in E literally like I said right above and to the side of my last two areas in "el valle" and I am glad to be with Sis D. I have laughed and found a lot of joy recently. Its a blessing to have a change of view. She feels sometimes like she doesn't know enough and I feel honored to bare a testimony that I know God expects us to do all we can with what we know and he makes up for what we can't do. Also we are always going to learn so we should look at where we have come to and then where we want to go. Perspective is powerful.
God is merciful I am so thankful that I get to ride bikes! I am so thankful for the kind members that glow. I am thankful for the light of Christ in each of us and I am thankful for the chance to be a child of God.  
Those things have strengthened me a lot this week.
I may have already said this... but as we come closer to God he helps us see where we can improve. We can't get down we have to realize that it a a blessing and that God is helping us to come even closer to Him.
I am thankful for my Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I am even more thankful that I get to share that knowledge with everyone else.
I know commandments are there so that God can bless us. it just makes sense. Laws are already set we just have to follow them to become happy. true power is understanding the doctrine and growing that desire to follow what is given. As we come to understand the blessings of repentance for example we don't have to see it as something negative ever. How blessed we are. "Adam fell that men might be; men are that they might have joy"
Hermana O


Funky transfers have just transpired.
I am now above and to the side of my two old areas.
I am in ES. Mi companera es Hermana D. She is younger in the mission but diligent, I know we will find teach and baptize and bring those people to the joy that the Lord has waiting for them.
I am so appreciative for every person in my life, those who stay a while and those who move forward faster then others. Right now I get the chance to experience a new beginning and love more people, I feel truly blessed.
In FB had a ton of rain yesterday (it was crying because I left!) and the sunrise was gorgeous. It has taught me just what Matt 6:25-33 good will watch over us as we trust him and obey him. I am grateful for the chance to be still in the storm of the world around me. God has me in his hands I just have to forget even more about my self and give everything! I am so thankful for the chance to be serving. Consider the lilies and compare it to the life of the missionary. Always changing and always growing for better if we follow God's will.
Adele! Viva la mission!
I love you! Thank for your amazing support and awesome spirit. I feel your prayers. I will forever be grateful.
ps My theme for the last two transfers has been "calm in the storm" see Walter Rane's "Triumphal Entry" or Palm Sunday I love how Christ is so peaceful even as everyone around him is so crazy and excited but he always just has that peace...

Monday, September 17, 2012

September 10, 2012

Thank you for the birthday wishes! I kind of feel 22? Sort of?

My week had been okay. Learned a lot yesterday from a companion study with the District leader. About taking care of the sheep we have so God knows he can trust us with more.
We don't have any "investigators " but once Bro G believes in himself and trusts God he'll know the gospel is enough to help him in all the commandments. 

That is actually a starter for today I want to bear my birthday testimony.
I am a blessed daughter of an eternal Father. He loves me enough to bless me with the treasures (that come in treasure boxes that sometimes look like trials with the locks and such :-D )
I know that God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. I know His eternal power is on the earth upon the mantel of His prophet Thomas S Monson. I know God uses imperfect people to do his imperfect work. I know I am imperfect. I know am progressing and I know I choose happiness.
I love that every choice has a consequence and that its not easy to find treasure. I do know the more we look for treasure (ie read scriptures, pray, immerse yourself in all good things that you have already) we can find more. What more can he give that we don't already have? We must recognize what we have so we can treasure it and then give thanks and then in his great mercy he helps us find even more treasures.
I love my brothers and sisters. I love them imperfectly but I want to do so perfectly. I am so thankful for time and for time past. Time is spelled L-O-V-E. :-D thank you for all the time and love you've given me.
Thank you mom for all you do! 
LOve you!
Sister O.

Texas McAllen Mission
200 W. LaVista Ave
McAllen Texas 78501


How's your companion this week?  She is doing better :-) Just still has to be cautious with medicine and everything and so i got to do splits with members and see miracles with them.

We have some really great potentials that we're working with. I really think brother G will get an answer soon! I know that some families in the branch are so powerful that they will be finding more missionary opportunities as we move forward. We're going to visit and help them get excited for that! this month's theme in the branch is serve your neighbor so they'll get the chance to serve and hopefully feel inspired to invite them to learn or enjoy something as a family.

There is a really sweet return missionary that we get to work with too because we are the closest sisters to her :-) and school for her doesn't start til January. So we're going to find and help some families prepare for baptism!

I am so excited for Sunday! Elder Holland is giving the CES fireside address!
I am fine just so thankful for everything. thanks for the package.  Everything is so great! 
Really the one thing I want for my birthday is letters and pictures of recent stuff (weddings birthdays school whatever) gimme paper and words over things any day :-)
love you mom! thanks again! you are wonderful!

Sister O.
Texas McAllen Mission
200 W. LaVista Ave
McAllen Texas 78501

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Aug 20

Congrats to J keep doing all the good stuff and something even better will come up sometime!
Ya I'm staying in CC and I am sorry I didn't save enough time to write.

great quote of the week: "Happy thoughts are like sun beams from your face" -Dahl
I love you all please pray for bro t and brother g
Love you all!!!
the island is beautiful we hope to find more people there!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August 13th


My companion and I are doing well. She's got medicine and such but still is getting drowsy and coughs. So we're working on it :-)

I like the hair cut, your hair may be longer then mine. I'll try and send a picture next week.
Sis T. is amazing I will definitely tell you wheres and whens of the pictures -I hope I'll still remember!

Ya Elder W. has been in my prayers as some really great elders head home my heart goes out to them because they are so strong and have to go conquer another mountain.... and eternity and such. I like the farewell thing they have that sounds like it would be great.
I hope I can speak decent spanish when I get home!
I am grateful this week for the spirit. Its companionship is the key. Still learning, still falling and smiling in my head telling satan thanks for reminding me of this and then I get back and move forward and never let satan win! I love it! Thank goodness we have the support of our Father in Heaven. He's the winning side after all :-D
Great quote by Joseph Smith
i like the quote you sent this week reading the Ensign by The Prophet Joseph Smith--  
“All your losses will be made up to you in the resurrection, provided you continue faithful. By the vision of the Almighty I have seen it.” 
I know that we have so many blessings waiting for us! I just don't want as many good blessings here besides happiness and peace so that in heaven they'll have more to build my home with ;-)
Keep praying for us! I feel the strength of your testimony every day.
But ya funny thing of the week: you know you've been a sister missionary too long when your companion says you act like you're from the 50's (i guess fellow isn't a normal word ! and when you have a pj skirt)
All in all 
Love you mom!
hard week for my ears. I need to listen better. Does anyone have any tips? because I know I've heard them but I probably wasn't listening well enough to soak it in! 
sorry! love you!
This week we need prayers to help us get out and find those souls waiting and help to always have the spirit with us. Specific prayers work miracles 
LOVE Sister O.
(by golly!)
Texas McAllen Mision
200 W. La Vista Ave
McAllen, TX  78501

August 5th

The mission life the low down!
I wake up at 6... my brain doesn't wake up til 6:30 which why I wake up at 6. I try and read or write in my agenda (which is pretty much my journal) and I wake myself up again at 6:35 get dressed and start exercising in the apartment with "Ye Elders Of Israel" its a great work song and it gets me and my companion up and singing about leaving sins behind all day every day.
We try and go for a short run and then we get ready. Its an improvement from 4 sisters with one bathroom in one hour to 2 sisters in one bathroom in one hour so its pretty good. this week I ate a lot of rice, pasta, and oatmeal because they were left overs from other transfers and I had no money on my card. 
So I am doing way better at planning and just getting things written down and then having everything have a place and keeping organized. It needs work but the area is steadily improving and also we are too.
My poor companion has had a cough for like 4 weeks and well we're gonna help her get over it this week.
and next week I'll tell you about studies and then some of the fun stuff we do during the day.
Please just remind me to talk about it :-)
And for all those who I may have missed HAPPPPPPPPYY BIRTHDAY!!!!!
Love you all!
Hermana O

Friday, July 27, 2012

July 23, 2012

Its true as I prepare to teach all these people I learn so much first!

? So how was your week in Corpus Christi?
It was a good week we have a couple that we have preparing for baptism and most of the week our thoughts are with them but we didn't find new investigators. We realized how powerful our tiny branch is when so many were at church on Sunday and what a blessing that was!
If you could pray for Sis N and Bro B. it would be appreciated!

? Who is your companion?
My companion is Hna R. Ella le gusta perros y es un fashiontista (tiene precision con como mira ella es muy bonita)
? Where is she from? she is from the same city you were born in!!! I thought that was cool :-) and yet she's mexican (long story ask me after my mission :-) )

? Address? ummmm .....pues en corpus I'll try and send it in una carta esta semana
Congrats to L, I better get some pictures of all these weddings! (k, every body in fresno/slc or whatever! ) 
hehehe Presidente asked how is your family and all I could say was good! I got to see more pictures or something
:-D hahaha no just I love you all I'm so grateful for your prayers!
Our lessons on Sunday were a lot about gratitude, I am so thankful to be a missionary and each and everyone of you have helped me to be here. Thank you for all you have done and you continue to do, I feel your love and sacrifice. Love you all!
-Sister O.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 16

CC is great.
The members are varied but mostly beach lovers and well just as excited to share the gospel as we  are. We are so blessed to have people who have seen the blessing of the gospel in their lives and we are helping them to recognize the power and blessing of bringing others.

This week we've been challenged to talk to everyone and the Spirit has guided us to some great people who are just ready. With hard work we were able to bring two new investigators to church :-D The Branch here is small and powerful. And I don't understand why God has blessed us with this much success, but I am grateful he is merciful. I think that with love enough to do the things he asked us to (obediencia) and to desire his will and to PLAN! I know all the plans we made to work out but I have seen that plans give us the chance to open the windows of Heaven and have guidance. Not my will but the Lord's. I still have so much to work on in all of these things but I am grateful again for the mercy of the atonement and the chance to grow.
I know if we try and invite everyone near us at least one person is going to say yes. Please tell me if you find someone in the grocery store or something! I found an older gentleman here at the Library who would have known trying to ask for computer help would have led to finding out his daughter is a member is part Indian and has served a mission... You know life happens for a reason. Lets make sure we open our eyes to see it mom ;-)
Helping someone else helps us!
Good luck with everything. I love you!
And please tell everyone I love them too.
-Sister O

Monday, July 16, 2012

July 9th

I'm going to CC! The Bluff! Elder Assistant to the President gave me some names and I'm already praying for them and inspiration to help them! 
I will tell you all soon how it is!
Sister R. is my new companion she was here in mission before so I already know her and we're going to go help and baptize the people and strengthen Zion!
More later-
Hermana O.

July 2

My companion is training this coming transfer so I don't know where I'll be next week :-D Oh the life of the mission!
Um I'm doing good on everything (minus nutella but like I said I don't know where I'll be :-)  )

Um quick experience plus first scripture 3 Nephi 11:21 we are here in L.E. and we have the power to baptize this people so now L.E. is Zarahemla!
Oh cool story: the family that baptized their boy recently; she shared with us how her sister in law was crying during the baptism: so we're going to help her feel that amazing feeling always :-) the spirit!
And also this same family; the first time I met them we talked and I didn't really understand (2 months ago my Spanish still needed help) so my native companion turns to me after I understood only so much and asks will you share a scripture? Sure! The only thought that came to my head the entire time I was kind of understanding was diezmo.... oh I also didn't know if they were members or investigators so I just pulled out tithing like this " there is an ancient law that our church follows its called tithing" and shared a scripture and ya... like this! So after my companion was like why did you share that? And I said I have no idea! Its the only thing that came to my head! And so two months later she tells us how her family has been blessed by tithing and I just felt the comfort from the spirit that I had done my work. that I had helped this family indirectly and well follow that spirit be humble and he will lead you.
Giving all my desire to God so he can lead me is my goal this week. His will His plan its the most intelligent thing to do! :-D
Love hermana O

Monday, June 25, 2012

24th June

We are being blessed working here en LE. We currently have no investigators. But we have potentials that are going to be baptized! (I know it!) I know the Lord has prepared this area over the last couple weeks. I am still learning! We found out about two families in our area: one is active and has missionary work to do, and one has been less active for 3 years and we have an FHE tonight with them to help them know we miss them and to help motivate the Dad and everyone to reactivate to baptize their 9 year old daughter!
I feel so blessed to work with the families here. When we ask the right questions they get motivated to work or they reveal that they have work they have already been doing (being great examples talking to people who answer questions). I feel blessed to see them sharing the gospel and helping their home a little at a time! \
Don't forget to open up to people and share a little taste with everyone you talk to, the gospel is true and Christ has restored His Church on the Earth again and people will know that its true with help; the truth rings within me and I know it will resonate within them.
I love you mom thank you for all your support!
-Sister O

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Mon, Jun 18, 2012

I'm doing well! Living and learning!
Recently were had some great blessings from our members. One our Ward Mission Leader is now our Bishop, Bishop B. so great just really amazing. The week was good. We're working hard and we're going to work even harder. Its not easy but we're working to be even better every day.

A past-less active family just baptized their son on Sunday! High light of the week. The father was able to perform the baptism and I feel blessed to have visited them and see their progress :-) The V family. Two years then he can baptize his daughter too!
It really rang true to me how much the parents have to teach their kids its not easy but I just know its going to be my responsibility to help my family grow with a strong faith. I am grateful that I'm preparing for that now :-)
(Something random I just heard from a person at a diff computer "You are the cheese in my mac-oroni" oh dear) 
Also I just love the fire that the families here have for missionary work! One person described how she just feels like she can be doing more so we invited them to find a family to reactivate and a family to baptize. I am grateful for these blessings of these families.
I'm out of time but I love you mom!
I did receive the package! thanks mom! I love the binding but its doing okay with out it ;-) when Oct comes :-D hahaha thanks for thinking ahead!
Love you mom!
Usted es hermosa, bonita, diligente, y tiene la luz de Cristo. Continue a brillar!
-Hermana O

Mon, Jun 11, 2012

?How's your investigators?
We have a few. We have a lot of new potentials.
?Enjoying your new companion?
Ya she's great taught me a new recipe called Alligator Stew! Delicious.

?Do you speak in Spanish with her always?
need to speak Spanish always but sometimes I forget...  ya sometimes my head is upside down.

?Is your area new/different from the last companion? ?Did you move apartments?
I'm in the same area, same apartment, same bed, and same desk as the last 9 weeks. However! I did rearrange the desks before she got here. So I did some internal fung shue (sp?) so we didn'r have to turn for Companionship Study.
Crazy happening of the week the Bishop from one of the wards was changed! Now our ward mission leader is Bishop. Bishop B. He's just great! I was crying for gratitude for the old Bishop W and excitement for Bishop B all during sacrament meeting. It was great!
We had Zone Conference this past week! Heavenly trainings and talk about just feeling a lift from the unity of the Zone and such. Loved it.
I am trying not to count months so I almost forgot that I have 8 months tomorrow... Sister G is training again in the same area she started her mission in it is just crazy! If she finishes the training of Sis VD she'll have over half her mission in the same area. Its always interesting to see where the Lord wants us to be. I am learning to all day everyday in the people... Now I am going to work on lesson plans so I can help them better!
Alma 17:11 patience its one of the things I'm working on. Patience in finding and growing :-) For example Sis R has helped me to double my progress in Spanish (at least with the numbers of things I've passed off) Its great!
I love the scripture! It is so true the charity you grow for those you serve like Nephi. And then its so easy  to believe the words of the Book of Mormon when people learn from the Holy Ghost that the words are from Christ, the words of the book testify of Christ and are truly from Him because the Holy Spirit testifies of that truth :-)
Sigh -oh the power of the scriptures!
Love you mom!
I send my love everyone else too. and a hug... a virtual hug to the males and a real hug to the females.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Herman O. 6/4

Hermana O.
Texas Mc Allen Mission 
200 W. La Vista
McAllen , TX

Hola hola!
I am in la tierra prometida with Sister R. She is tall and looks kind of like me. Brown curly hair, but taller and more slender build... she didn't play basketball ever but if she looks like she should. She's from bountiful like Sis G and she's great and a powerful teacher.
 So two tall sisters were biking down the street of our area, three days!
Without being too informal, nuestras piedras estan como pedras (rocks...sp?). We rode a total of 8 miles one day which doesn't seem like much but for sisters its a lot. I have a tan and the redness in the cheeks is going away. I just hope I don't get cancer someday :-/

Our investigators are doing okay. We have had to prune a lot of people and now we have a lot of open time to find and its slow but we're being inspired of where to go and truly we are successful missionaries as we are learning to work together and help those around us.
I was blessed to have a reminder of God's love yesterday. During sacrament meeting the Bishop looks a lot and had the same spirit of love that Bishop C always excluded. I remembered the time when Bishop C came to our home and said "I had a feeling that I needed to come over and offer you a blessing" right before I headed out for California for jaw surgery. That blessing was written down by you mom if you remember and at night when it was super painful and I kept wishing I hadn't done the surgery, I pulled out the blessing and remembered that the Lord was always with me and that the pain would be a short time compared to the blessing. I know that the Lord sends His children to help His children. We are literally angels for people everyday.
"For as [a man] thinketh in his heart, so is he" (Proverbs 23:7)
I know our life has a purpose even if it is to babysit and give the time to someone else to bond with their spouse :-) or help others live out the rest of their days in the best comfort and love you can give them.
Love is never wasted. There is always a reward for those that have sacrificed.
I know that my Redeemer lives. I know that we are the lights on the shore for our brothers and sisters. I know that as we draw closer to our Father in prayer and study we can have more peace in our lives. I love these lessons of sacrifice. It is true and it is all worth it.
I love you Mom. Thank you for your example and grace.
To the friends and family you have been a blessing in my life thank you.
Sister O!
"Brightly beams our Father's mercy" so why shouldn't we?

Monday, June 4, 2012

May 29, Hermana O

?Are Your bikes just better than the Elders?
The Elder that made the comment about our bikes has been on his mission a while and I saw his bike today... ya ours are nicer, we also don't use near as often!

?Do you drive very much or Bike more?
We drive A LOT. And its all good until the end of the month comes and me and my companion get lost, have to turn around, habits got us stuck with asking for rides and riding bikes aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllll day tomorrow :-D
I'm excited! I hope my companion likes to bike :-)

?Do you have all your supplies for your 72 hour kit?
I have every thing but I will double check on the food for 72 hrs... see if its enough calories wise i think so.
Thank you for the inspiring words in your email. I loved it! I know you are running around a ton and such but I know that you are blessing the lives of some many! Don't forget that :-D
As for transfers.... dan dan dannnnn...
I am still in LE and Sister B is heading to C (she's gonna baptize a whole ward's worth of people!)
I am currently with Sis G and Sis VD (her new greenie adorable and powerful!) 
I am about to get a ride from a member to the church to pick up my new companion Sister R! 
She is taller then me and apparently looks a lot like me :-) She came in with Sister H and Sister B so it will be great!
Sister D didn't get baptized this past Sunday but we are going to try for this Sunday! 
Please prayer for Sister K she has a baptismal date of June 10th but she still hasn't said "yes" eegads! Miracles !!!
2 Nephi 6:3
BYE I LOVE You!!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

May 21, 2012

Just received this forward :)

Hermana Oomrigar
Texas McAllen Mission
200 W. LaVista
McAllen, Tx 78501
May 21 (6 days ago)

Si I have the package thank you! And the one from the S's! Thank you S's!
I don't know the address of our home :-/ sorry!!!! I should get it though no matter what happens!
Sis D has not had it easy lately and she didn't come to church on Sunday. We're going to visit and perform spiritual CPR! Church Prayer Reading... and we'll see she is going to be baptized Sunday!
Sis K is great as usual her son came to church this Sunday (yeah!) And we'll see if she has received an answer to her prayers about baptism and the church and the Book of Mormon. :-D I think she has she just doesn't recognize it yet.
Area is great :-) and the wards are wonderful. The Elders are jealous of how amazing our bikes are. So its all good!  Its been crazy and transfers are next week. My companion already feels like she's leaving and I have no idea what will happen. But we're going to find and teach and prepare 10 or more people this week so please keep us and them in your prayers. Love you all!
PS Read your Book of Mormon in Public! I was reading it in the DMV (DPT here) and I sat down thinking that I could talk to this old man, but then he couldn't hear me so I stopped trying, he left and this lady sitting two chairs away scooted down just to sit next to me and ask if I was reading the bible. I talked to her about the Book of Mormon (as best I could by myself in Spanish!) and she "helped me" ;-) read some because I was studying it to learn Spanish I shared Alma's story and such because her son isn't following Christ. And well eventually I gave her my Ensign from general conference (two conf- blue liahona with angel Moroni) and she was reading an article I showed her then she was just looking in the whole thing and  I was barely able to focus on my reading trying to pray for her that she wouldn't find something that was an answer or anything to help to want to learn more and such and I traded spots with my companion so she could talk to the lady but I forgot to tell her to invite her to learn more and the lady left and I didn't get her number or anything!!!!!
BUT moral of the story is open your mouth and don't forget to invite them to learn more get an address phone number anything!!!! Oh and study the Book of Mormon in Public and smile and be willing to talk... Send me your experience ;-)
Love you!
Hermana O
2Nephi 9:20 & 21