Okay hello!
Sis K is great she is a single mom who wants to come closer to God. She has a boyfriend that is a member and he and she read the scriptures over the phone! Its very sweet to hear that they are learning together.
Sis D is a wonderful young mom (i just realized all our current investigators are single moms wow...) she recently found work and is trying to juggle her three kids and read and pray and fast (we fasted with her to find work the other day) and well she is just making all the changes in life to have that peace in baptism its amazing. She is so powerful!
We (my companion and I) are so grateful for all your prayers in our behalf we've definately seen the miracles of talking to someone right when they need it and I feel all of your faith helping me study and teach, without your prayers I don't know where I'd be!
That was a big thing I learned this weekend: how do we grow closer to our Heavenly Father daily? Prayer, reading scriptures, and follwoing the commandments. I have seen the blessing of these habits and I have seen the consequences of not. I know that our Savior has given us the example and the ways to live to find true happiness. A talk (actually from George Albert Smith Lesson manual) someone was speaking on yesterday was titled "Open your Soul to the Lord in Prayer" I heard of how if we teach our children to pray (like when I wanted to go to do something and I had to pray to see if I should) it will help them to build that relationship with God. And another lady mentioned how hearing the stories of how prayers were answered to her grandparents then her mom and now she tells those stories to her children, she has built that habit from those stories and remembers those stories in times of hardship. What blessings!
The song from this past week is "Secreta Oracion" Rendire mi corazon en secreta oracion ganare este don, el cielo comunion" or something like that! in eng its "secret prayer" WONDERFUL song.
I will give my heart to secret prayer to earn or recieve this gift commuion with the heavens!
I know that we can communicate with God and recieve help and guidance! I love praying :-D
Don't forget to pray! And please send my thanks to all those who have written me and I may not have written back yesterday I said people haven't written but then I realized how many have and I am so greatful! Please tell all my family and friends I love them for all the little things they have done for me.
I love you mom!
"If we have faith in Jesus Christ the hardest as well as the easiest times in life can be a blessing" Elder Eyring quote of the day :-) see lds.org for more from conf!
-Hermana O
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