Monday, October 1, 2012


Hola Hola!
Casi es tiempo para la conferencia general! Que padre no? Estoy agradecida para la conferencia de zona(s) esta semana y tengo mucho animo para el reunion de la sociedad de socorro en el fin de la semana.
I hope you use google translate :-)
I am here in E literally like I said right above and to the side of my last two areas in "el valle" and I am glad to be with Sis D. I have laughed and found a lot of joy recently. Its a blessing to have a change of view. She feels sometimes like she doesn't know enough and I feel honored to bare a testimony that I know God expects us to do all we can with what we know and he makes up for what we can't do. Also we are always going to learn so we should look at where we have come to and then where we want to go. Perspective is powerful.
God is merciful I am so thankful that I get to ride bikes! I am so thankful for the kind members that glow. I am thankful for the light of Christ in each of us and I am thankful for the chance to be a child of God.  
Those things have strengthened me a lot this week.
I may have already said this... but as we come closer to God he helps us see where we can improve. We can't get down we have to realize that it a a blessing and that God is helping us to come even closer to Him.
I am thankful for my Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I am even more thankful that I get to share that knowledge with everyone else.
I know commandments are there so that God can bless us. it just makes sense. Laws are already set we just have to follow them to become happy. true power is understanding the doctrine and growing that desire to follow what is given. As we come to understand the blessings of repentance for example we don't have to see it as something negative ever. How blessed we are. "Adam fell that men might be; men are that they might have joy"
Hermana O

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