Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Esta semana estuvo bien por que pudimos recibir y trabajar con referencias de miembros. Estuvo bien por que quieren aprender. Con las referencias estuvimos menos claro de las expectativas entonces no pregressaron esta semana. Pero con la otra estuvimos bien claro y ella queria actuar. Y ahora tiene fetcha bautismal! Es bonita los milagros que hay aun en las ultimas horas de la semana.

Algo mas que nos ayudo mucho es no ser "robots" o sea no hacer la obra sin nuestra personalidad y esta nos ayudo para disfrutar y ayudar las personas a entender nuestro proposito mas rapido por que nos confiamos mas.

Algo mas bonita de esta semana es el amor que sentia al trabajar. cuando las personas rechazaron el mensaje mi corazon se quebranto. y teniamos que continuar sin cesar de la diligencia en buscando. Al buscar y trabajar mas sentimos mas de la presencia del espiritu guiandonos. Y cuando los ultimos momentos vinieron con la guia y con la motiva de amando las personas la semana terminada bien.

Tambien una familia menos activo vino a la iglesia ahora es dos veces en dos meses entonces estan progressando. y su hijita le gusto la primaria. y reconectaron con unas personas que no sabiamos que les conocen por que les ayudaron para ser miembros hace tres anos. entonces ellos van a venir con nosotros para visitarles esta semana.

estamos mejorando y esta pasando bien.

I love the mission. I will be here 18 more days president trayner allowed me to extend! Its amazing that I get to grow in just a few more days of service I am so excited to continue growing.
And i learned from the elders that i had to be more humble because they came in worked with us looking for people and they said wow this area is great! and I think i may have needed that call to repentance of attitude!
Love Sister O

(Complements SisterO's Mom & Google Translate)

This week was good because we were able to receive and work with references to members. It was good because they want to learn. With references were less clear on the expectations then there pregressaron this week. But with the other were very clear and she wanted to act. And now fetcha baptismal! It's nice that there are still miracles in the last hours of the week.

Something else that helped us a lot is not "robots" that is not doing the work without our personality and this helped us to enjoy and help people understand our purpose faster because we trust more.

Something more beautiful this week is his love to work. when people rejected the message my heart broke. and we had to continue unabated diligence in searching. When looking more and work harder to feel the presence of the spirit guiding us. And when the last moment came with the guidance and with the motivation of loving people the week ended well.

Also a less active family came to church now twice in two months then are progressando. and her daughter liked the primary. and reconnected with some people who did not know that I know that helped them to become members for three years. then they will come with us to visit them this week.

we are improving and going well.
I love the mission. I will be here 18 more days president trayner allowed me to extend! Its amazing that I get to grow in just a few more days of service I am so excited to continue growing.
And i learned from the elders that i had to be more humble because they came in worked with us looking for people and they said wow this area is great! and I think i may have needed that call to repentance of attitude!
Sister Love O

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